GPU Mining

Mining with Purpose

In the age of AI, GPU compute has become one of the most valuable resources. NeurochainAI's innovative approach to AI model quantization allows individuals with consumer-grade hardware to join the AI revolution. By offering your GPU power, you help support vital AI tasks, enabling more efficient and decentralized AI model execution.

This isn’t just about mining for rewards – it’s about powering the future of AI and being part of a groundbreaking network that democratizes AI compute.

Technical Requirements

To participate in GPU mining with NeurochainAI, you'll need basic hardware that can meet the following requirements:

  • For GPUs:

    • Minimum of 8GB GPU VRAM.

    • At least 4GB RAM.

    • 100GB of available storage.

    • Suitable for systems running Windows or Linux operating systems.

  • For smartphones:

    • An Android phone with at least 4GB of RAM and an ARM processor.

In simpler terms, if you have a standard computer with an NVIDIA GPU or a mid-range Android phone, you’re all set to start mining!

Super Easy to Set Up

Getting started with GPU mining in the NeurochainAI ecosystem is incredibly simple. With just a few steps, anyone can set up their hardware and start contributing to the network. The process is designed to be as easy as copying and pasting commands, making it accessible even for those with minimal technical knowledge.

For a step-by-step guide to setting up your hardware, visit the Setup Instructions for GPU Mining page.

Powering Up the Future of AI

NeurochainAI is on a mission to empower developers and businesses with decentralized AI compute. By contributing your GPU or Android device, you become part of this mission, ensuring that AI tasks can be processed more efficiently and affordably. Join the revolution today and help shape the future of decentralized AI.

Last updated