Staking Process
Obtain $NCNs: Acquire 12,000 $NCN tokens.
Transfer $NCNs: Move the tokens to the wallet you intend to use for validation.
Stake the Coins: Stake your $NCNs in the smart contract on the NeurochainAI network.
Upon staking, participants will receive an NFT key that identifies their Neuron Node as a lite validator on the network, initiating the reward process.
NFT Distribution Process
Immediate Distribution: Neuron Node NFTs are distributed via smart contract immediately after staking.
On-Chain Visibility: NFTs will appear in the owner’s wallet and can be verified on NCNscan.
Non-Transferability: NFTs will be non-transferable for the first 12 months to maintain network stability.
Your staked tokens will be available for withdrawal once the vesting period ends on August 16, 2025.
Last updated